Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Confessions of a suffering klepto

Once upon a time, there was a girl who went to OU. She was a good girl most of the time, but she had a slight problem. Well, some might call it a huge problem. She was what you might call a klepto. However, after many bouts of thievery she turned away from her foolish ways. Then, one dark and windy night, she couldn't resist the old impulses. She saw the key and grabbed it. She knew she shouldn't have, but it was so easy! When the owner didn't realize, she just laughed to her self and went on with the night. Soon, it was time for the owner of the key to leave. He went to his car, but soon he realized he wasn't going to get far. After a short search, the girl had her laugh and returned the key. She knew she was in trouble and that the war had begun again. She only had one thing to say...

Bring it on!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Felicia. Be afraid. Be very afraid. Ha. Ha. Ha.

10:01 AM

Blogger Ryan said...

Junk didn't cry when you stole his brother's key, but you cried when I gave your ID a mustache

11:51 AM

Blogger Felicia said...

"I ain't never scared, I ain't never scared"

5:38 PM

Blogger ~Tiffany~ said...

Your a D.O.R.K.
But i love you for that.
And did that guy really make u cry by drawing a mustache on your ID ?? Want me to kick his ass??!??!
oh yeah i got a blog on here now..kbye love u

9:21 PM

Blogger ~Tiffany~ said...

I wanted 2 different 6 inches, And she switched the dressings with each sandwich and it just wasn't right :(((( Fyi, Cold cut trio is "okay" with Chipotle and Sweet onion sauce..but Subway melts with Vinegar and oil are DISGUSTING.yup. kbye.

4:12 PM

Blogger ~Tiffany~ said...

K good, I won't kick his butt...But yeah Sylvia really upset me and we're not speaking right now.

3:02 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Felicia, I have no idea what is going on in your life anymore, because well you haven't updated! how is that little green thing you have in your room? what about those things that hop? And what about your side of the house, you guys are crazy... i need to know

-a worried roommate

11:02 PM

Blogger ~Tiffany~ said...

You requested a tattoo drawing?? Well, I was completely unaware of this. You must have never told me.

Or I don't remember.

Who knows?

Refresh my memory, please. :)

6:10 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is a test...

10:21 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, the above was Liz. I've been proven wrong. Sarah The Wise was right.

10:23 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha..Sarah The Wise, i love it!

11:30 PM

Blogger Ryan said...

I just noticed the "bring it on"
It's on

12:41 AM

Blogger Felicia said...

I don't want to say that you're slow or anything...BUT IT'S LARGE AND IN RED!

1:38 AM

Blogger Jenny said...

I opted for our Plex to steal "the big screen" but I'd rather be friends with all of you before the end of the year is out, so we decided not to.
I'm just sayin.

3:21 PM


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