
Yay! I finally got another tattoo! I spent all week trying to come up with what I wanted, but it wasn't until the thrilling class of genetics that I drew this up. I went to Skinsations in Norman and the guys there were AWESOME! Everyone should go there to get a tattoo! I know many have questions, so just read below for the story behind the tattoo...
Two years ago I came to the University of Oklahoma. I never really had any religious beliefs and I did my best to not even think about God. Life was all about me and pleasing myself in any way I saw fit. I quickly became friends with three girls that lived down the hall from me: Lauren, Brittany, and Ann. These girls showed me that life was about more than pleasing yourself. The way they lived their lives made me feel empty and wonder what I was missing. On October 12, 2004, I accepted Christ. I realized I was a sinner and that there was nothing I could do to fix it. The thought of spending eternity in hell was frightening, but I didn’t have to spend eternity in hell. None of us do. Christ died for our sins–the ones we’ve done and the ones we will do. All we have to do is accept that we are sinners, repent for those sins and accept that Christ is the only way. Since that day I’ve done my best to follow Him. I’ve had my struggles along the way, but He has always been there. I know that some of you reading this are hearing it for the first time, while others are just being reminded. This summer was a real struggle for me and a confusing time. I got the tattoo as a constant reminder of the decisions I have made and will make and those who have been there for me. I hope this has answered some of the questions that have been asked! Feel free to ask me some more!