Twas the Night Before Big XII
I'm back!
Seeing as I'm easily persuaded by friends, I couldn't help but revive my blog. This page has been collecting dust for quite some time now and I'm dying to let the world know what's going on in my exciting life. Today's post isn't exactly about me, but it is related. Early in the morning(5am to be exact) the band is heading to San Antonio for the Big XII Championship. My lovely roommate, Kaydee, ran across this poem and I thought it appropriate to share. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! BOOMER SOONER!

'Twas the night before the Big XII and all through the land,
not a Tiger was stirring, not even the band.
Their Jockeys were hung by the locker with care,
in hopes that the Sooners soon would be there.
Truman was nestled all snug in his bed,
while visions of the BCS danced in his head.
And Pinkel in his kerchief full of Tiger pride,
and Bob and the Sooners ready to ride.
When down in San Antone there arose such a clatter,
Chase sprang from his bed to see what was the matter.
He realized the Option was gone in a flash,
and Maclin's dreams of running had just been dashed.
The Tiger tight ends trembled as they watched the show,
A Crimson and Cream luster set the horizon aglow.
When what to their wondering eyes should they find,
but a miniature Schooner, seven National Titles behind.
With a wizened old driver, skilled in leading his troops,
they knew in a moment it must be Bob Stoops.
More rapid than
and he whistled and shouted and called them by name.
On Chris Brown! On Iglesias! On Hartley and Kelly!
To the top of the conference! To the top of it all!
Now dash their hopes! Dash their dreams! Dash away all!"
And then in a twinkling, the Tigers fought back a scream,
and Chase saw the last of his Heisman trophy dream.
The defense drew in their breath and looked all around,
and realized that their "Pig" was nowhere to be found.
Bob's eyes how they twinkled, his coaches how merry!
As they carried on the legacy left them by Barry.
he shook on the field as his knees turned to jelly.
Pinkel spoke not a word, and the ball they couldn't carry,
Stoops filled up the scoreboard and then turned to
And laying his hand on the shoulder of his friend,
he gave Pinkel a nod and said, "Like
Bob sprang to the Schooner, to his team gave a shout,
to the BCS they flew and left Mizzou down and out.
And we heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight,
"Boomer Sooner to All and to All a Good Night!"