How do Amazon mollies obtain sperm from males of other species???

Well, the verdict is in! I got the scholarship and I'm going t be studying Amazon mollies in the Zoology Department. This is an example of the girls I'm going to be hanging with all summer long. I hope that by the end of the summer I'll understand a little more about them. They live in an interesting situation--they're an all female species! Well, this seemed great to me at first, but I had to be honest with myself, how well could we all get along in a world full of females? We couldn't! Even though the Amazon mollies clone themselves, they need a little help from the males of other species. Without the sperm of males to trigger embryonic development, their species would cease to exist. Maybe that's what I'm supposed to learn from these girls.
No matter how much we want to complain about guys, we can't live without them.
3:26 PM
You're sick! You truth twister!
1:14 AM
what is crazy is that she is really really excited about it... it creeps me out.
12:31 AM
Mollies is a funny word.
9:54 AM
mollies mollies mollies mollies mollies....
9:54 AM
You edited your post so as to change the sick sounding part to not sick! Now I look silly.
11:12 AM
dude, I did not edit a thing. You are just sick. Face it!
12:37 PM
way to go felicia!...geez you are in so much trouble! haha!.... i can't believe you!
11:41 PM
i just realized i can leave an anonymous comment on a blog on here! about something! that I shouldn't! mwahahaha
11:33 PM
On one of your older posts, u left a link to game, and I clicked it.
And I hate you.
7:28 PM
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