Confessions of a suffering klepto
Once upon a time, there was a girl who went to OU. She was a good girl most of the time, but she had a slight problem. Well, some might call it a huge problem. She was what you might call a klepto. However, after many bouts of thievery she turned away from her foolish ways. Then, one dark and windy night, she couldn't resist the old impulses. She saw the key and grabbed it. She knew she shouldn't have, but it was so easy! When the owner didn't realize, she just laughed to her self and went on with the night. Soon, it was time for the owner of the key to leave. He went to his car, but soon he realized he wasn't going to get far. After a short search, the girl had her laugh and returned the key. She knew she was in trouble and that the war had begun again. She only had one thing to say...
Bring it on!!!!

Bring it on!!!!