Saturday, May 27, 2006

My Mom!

Well, the boxes are still lying around here and there are additional stacks of papers and clothes. I would like to say that I have no idea when I'm going to clean it up, but I must within the next three days. That's because my mom is coming on Monday to spend TWO WEEKS with me! I'm SO excited, but if she were to see my room right now I wouldn't hear the end of it. :) Anyways, yay!

Also, O-week is over!!!!!! That means some friends will be back tomorrow! They won't be here for long, though, since many will be leaving again soon. However, we'll be watching X-Men 3 tomorrow!! What, what! I can't wait!

Oh yeah.

Many friends also left this morning for Project Impact. Some are on their way to Chicago (a trip I remember all too well--there and back) and others are trekking it to L.A. Safe travel to all and I'll be praying for you! I hope I get to visit!

Monday, May 22, 2006

My New Home

Welp, I'm officially moved into my new home. I'm only next door but it's still a change. It only took me a little last night and all of today to get moved in. I hate having so much stuff, and a lot of it is definitely going to disappear this summer. Thanks to Crumpy, Ryan, Lindsay, and Tygre for your help! Right now I have my computer and my bed together. Tomorrow I hope to empty some of the boxes around me and make it a little less crowded. Change is good.

This week I get to start my research!!! I won' t do anything tomorrow, but I have a meeting with my professor, Ingo Schlupp, Tuesday. I'm so excited!!!!!!

On a sadder note, I just worked my last week at the preschool for a while. Those kids are going to be having conversations with me the next time I see them! Well, maybe I'll just have to go visit...

Also, right now most of my friends are either at O-week, Project Chicago, or Project LA. Next week even more friends will be gone :( There will be a few stragglers hanging back that I'll get to spend some time with, though. That's good. It's going to be a long summer! Good luck to all!

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Who needs a shug?


Friday, May 12, 2006

The Power of Keys

I have recently acquired multiple keys.
Silver keys and gold keys.
Man, my purse is heavy!
I don't know why, but these things make me feel important.
Yeah, I can open doors...

Friday, May 05, 2006

How do Amazon mollies obtain sperm from males of other species???

Well, the verdict is in! I got the scholarship and I'm going t be studying Amazon mollies in the Zoology Department. This is an example of the girls I'm going to be hanging with all summer long. I hope that by the end of the summer I'll understand a little more about them. They live in an interesting situation--they're an all female species! Well, this seemed great to me at first, but I had to be honest with myself, how well could we all get along in a world full of females? We couldn't! Even though the Amazon mollies clone themselves, they need a little help from the males of other species. Without the sperm of males to trigger embryonic development, their species would cease to exist. Maybe that's what I'm supposed to learn from these girls.

No matter how much we want to complain about guys, we can't live without them.

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